From the smallest repairs to complete renovations, MetroPonds is there for you


Our customer Jeff built this pond many years ago, and was no longer able to maintain it. This is what is looked like after we drained it and removed most of the debris.

Perhaps you bought a home with an existing water feature that was not properly installed, or is just an eye sore.  Or perhaps your landscaper thought they would try their hand at pond building and you ended up with a maintenance nightmare.  Either way, before you decide to fill it in – give MetroPonds a call for a pond renovation or pond repair.  We can take even the most dilapidated water feature and restore or renovate it into something spectacular.

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We were able to completely transform Jeff’s pond, and made the maintenance much easier!

Pond renovation and repair can be a tricky business, and sometimes it is better just to start fresh than to try to patch poor craftsmanship done by landscapers and home improvement contractors.  We will assess the state of your current water feature and let you know whether a pond renovation or pond repair is even possible, and if it is, how much it is going to cost.  Sometimes it’s actually more economical to completely rebuild the water feature from the ground up, so you know you’ll get years of low maintenance enjoyment.  Other times, there may be a small problem that can be easily fixed.

We will work with you, within your budget, to figure out what is best for you and make it happen.